So you’re patiently waiting for your favourite game’s latest update to download. Then suddenly you notice your Xbox is slowly downloading at 30 Kbps… Yes, that’s right KBPS!!
I had this issue recently when I was downloading the latest COD Warzone update, it totals around 100GB. IT was going to take days to download which seemed crazy to me. So I decided to spend a bit of time working out why!
I had to go into network settings and turn off the two auto-download tabs. This allows the Xbox and apps to update in sleep mode or the background. I think this is what slows it down as some parts of the XBOX / Windows 10-based software are downloading updates & throttling the downloads. I’ve turned this back on after and seems to work fine still so that’s something to bear in mind.
These are the steps I took:
Turn off settings for auto download under network settings.
Turn off my Xbox (Full Shutdown)
Turn off my router and turn on after 10 seconds.
wait for internet to be back on and then start the Xbox
It then went to 20 Mbps!! Hurray!
let me know if this has worked for you and check out the video for a more detailed overview!
You can also try changing the DNS server to the Google DNS, to improve response times and might a little help with download speeds.
Google ►► Primary DNS : and the Secondary DNS :
If the Google DNS doesn’t work as shown try these: Cloudfare ►► Primary DNS: and the Secondary DNS: Open DNS ►► Primary DNS: 208.67. 222.222 and the Secondary DNS: 208.67. 220.220
Thanks for reading!